Tuesday, November 16, 2004

big bike bicycling riding

no politics today kids, we don't want to appear to have too big a social conscience do we?

we did a big bike bicycling riding yesterday - it was muchos funos 'cos the weather's still lush, like an irish heatwave, even though we're in winter.

i tried to cool off in the pool after the big bike bicycling riding... another uber-error. pacific sand motel says their pool is heated. fibbers. perhaps once they heated it with a kettle, or perhaps they mean it's heated by the sun. either way, i did not stay long in there. twas like the north sea, on a good day. i fumed, but this did not sufficiently heat the pool.

the prof bought 9 pairs of sunglasses on our travels. the more he wears, the better his stuttering gets. we have captured this on video. i have emailed the wellcome trust for funding into investigating this as a phd research angle. 'stuttering stunglasses - the truth'. catchy? i thought you'd agree.

prof is on a roll. he postulates that the reason the streets of sanna moniker are so empty is that the good folk of l.a. just drive around their freeways all day, without going to work. 'cos the freeways are just full of cars, but nowhere else is. it's very strange, we have uncovered something here. if this is my last blog, you know why...

finally, we went to o'brien's irish pub last night. the most irish thing there was me, apart from the ginger spanish bar staff. it started really well 'cos i got ID-ed, first time in years. i had to laugh as i had no ID on me. the guy asked how old i was, i replied 27 and he laughed too. ah. what fun and laughing. worryingly, i am 28, and have been for some time. how can i forget? clearly i am getting on a bit.

good news - i fixed the blog so you readers can post comments being a nonny mouse, all two of you.

love and lime, kids


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