Wednesday, November 17, 2004

positively 4th street

you gotta lotta nerve to say you are my friend, when i was stuttering
you just stood there grinning.

yeah! we spend a whole lotta time on 4th street yesterday. we went
for our tea with the prof's camarillo buddies again. tea was a bit
short like 'cos we went to a horse show and me and prof were late -
too much driving up the canyon y'all.

those of you who know me intimately will not be surprised at this
equine adventure. ok, so you will. i dunno why i went. the prof is
not sure why he did either. it was a bit odd, and ethereal, with
gypsy folk and white horses. a bit like ireland really. the
americans clapped and whooped and hollered at absolutely nothing. i
was left confused, and considerably more broke. someone is making
lots of money, and they should be stopped, before it's too late.

perhaps i should be stopped, and made to use my brain. this morning,
me and the prof agreed that such a trip to the fair should only ever
be made once in your life, if as often as that. learn from our
mistakes kids, else you be sorry.

we saw vivan earlier in the day. the prof wrote down her gems of
wisdom verbatim. this worried vivian, but she speaks sense. lots of
it made us laugh. we cannot print all of it as we may get sued. but
rock on mrs sheehan!

we ended the night without horses, fortunately. though i did ponder
the idea of a horseburger. the french occasionally need our respect,
very occasionally... we hit a jazz spot on 4th street. they were
doing it on the fly, no shit. we dug it. they dug us. but we
didn't have any hats so we stuck out like the ragtime flailers that
we are.

ain't no hiding from the stuttering big as vivian said earlier.

keep it real you hot dog cats. fly!


Blogger jonnyfun said...


being a verbal cripple is the new verbal athlete

30 seconds, time is aaaaakshully running out my money will be acha acha acha...

5:42 p.m.  

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