Monday, October 01, 2007

the stutteriest month of the year

no folks, my mouth isn't in melt down. i have not fallen apart. the earth does not creak as my tangled tongue tries to say 'actually' as i avoid like a proverbial.

"then what is it?" you ask.

i am getting to that, i reply.

it's october!

oh yes, it's october.


international stuttering awareness day is in october, or ISAD as the kids call it.

and you don't have to be sad at ISAD, you can have a great old time.

last year we went and gave leaflets on stuttering, and balloons to the people of dublin.

some folk were receptive. others looked at us like we were mentalists. did we care? not really. we were as desensitised as great big melted icebergs.

so have a look at the stuttering homepage and you can see the online conference.

even if your mouth is not broken you can have a read, us stuttery folk are nice like that.

pax stutteramus.


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