Tuesday, November 23, 2004

and so this is christmas

i got back from the us and a yesterday and my housemates were having christmas dinner. was my flight really as long as it seemed? no worries followers of fun stuttering exploits. some australians were here and they hadn't had christmas dinner before. logical. it was quite lush. i ate it with a spoon as there weren't enought knives and forks. this made it taste better as it was more of a challenge to eat!

still, i was pissed off hearing slade today. will they ever learn?

as you can see, the eve of destruction passed with only mild symbolic carnage. prof got us and escprt to bypass a 45 minute security queue at LAX by carring the hubble telescope on the plane as hand luggage, and wearing a bow tie. of the bow tie wearing he said smugly 'i thought it might swing them into letting us through'. bow ties it is from hereon in kids.

the flight was a bit dull apart from a man with a handlebar moustache. it was really something. i wanted to clap it was so good but feared this may have caused alarm, especially in light of our bow tie/hubble incident. i think he may have been amish cos his wife looked like she had been sewn into her clothes. i didn't like to ask. not 'cos i'm shy, just 'cos i may have stuttered, lurched forward uncontrollably and blinded myself on the bristles.

beware the hirsute man...

pax stutteramus


Blogger jonnyfun said...

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10:57 p.m.  
Blogger jonnyfun said...


you said it. i had hanukah today, and feel all the better for it. shalom!

2005 is going to be the best 2005 ever, i can feel it.

agent fun and three quarters

10:59 p.m.  
Blogger jonnyfun said...

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10:59 p.m.  

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