Saturday, March 31, 2007

big stutter 5

it's been ages since i blogged anything about stuttering. it's a good day for it.

we just finished up another week in the big stutter house. today we were evicted.

9 more broken mouthed individuals have accepted their stuttering a little more, and lessened their shame, embarrassment, guilt and pain.

we did a lot of open stuttering this week in billybraggan. obviously we followed 'the methodology', keeping eye contact, and doing a good bit of stuttering on purpose, but open stuttering was picked up by the boys and girls this week.

permission to stutter was granted, and acted upon.

we'll be meeting up again in 4 weeks to see how they got on. i'm looking forward already. they were all really motivated, and shirked no difficult situation.

i know that they'll find it tough in the outside world. they have a general direction and know which way is forward, even though on many days they will slip back.

slippage. like sliding. only backwards.

however as a clever man once writ... 'relapse is not the end, simply another therapeutic stage'.

before i leave you - a stuttering joke that many of you people with non broken mouths will just wonder at.

why did the stutterer cross the road? get to the other slide.

pax stutteramus

Monday, March 19, 2007

the day after the day after the week before

well, that was fun.

i did lose a button off of my coat, and my keys, and had a sense of being stuck between blackrock and a gardiner place.

i was rescued from vagrancy by andy glock, on what turned out to be his birthday. i thank him graciously for his couch and his breakfast.

my keys were in the porterhouse, where the beer monkeys [sic] had hidden them.

before i go, i offer you one questioning thought.

where do all the people go for the rest of the year?

('cos nealy everyone was out out and about this weekend.)

yours questioningly.

Monday, March 12, 2007

finally, it has happened to me

yes, i feel like ce ce peniston finding love.

i have been turned on.

to broadband.

i have an uncanny fear that i will now wake up and realise it's 1.39 a.m.